Category: Performing

Questionable Material
October 7, 2019
Performing, Podcast, Voiceover
Questionable Material is a podcast I produce with Jack Helmuth. It's the answer to the age-old question, "Does the world really need another comedy podcast?" We knew the...
The B.S. of A.
April 2, 2014
Performing, TV/Film, Tv/Film, Writing
Stupid Jack Helmuth and Awesome Brian Sack The B.S. of A. was a gem of a TV show produced by Jack Helmuth and written by Jack, me, Matt Fisher, Lauren Conlin Adams, Jon...
April 2, 2012
On Stage, Performing
Curtain Call A presidential debate between a buffoonish incumbent President and pundit Glenn Beck -- moderated by the impartial folks at PBS and CNN. In front of audiences...
The Deposition of Lou Bagetta
December 20, 2010
Performing, TV/Film, Tv/Film, Writing
The mob's least-talented hit man takes on a most impossible task. The Deposition of Lou Bagetta Written by Brian Sack. Directed...
Spitting Booty Cheddar
April 2, 2010
Performing, TV/Film, Tv/Film, Writing Spitting Booty Cheddar Two white ad execs give black talent direction. What could go wrong? Written by Brian Sack. Directed by...
February 3, 2009
Performing, Voiceover
In the '90s I was writing and producing radio advertising and couldn't help but notice that folks were coming to the studio and getting paid a lot of money for what seemed...
The Paul Reddy Show with John Mayer
April 2, 2004
Performing, TV/Film The Paul Reddy Show Highlights from what remains one of my favorite projects. Originally a half-hour video that was released with John Mayer's...