Stupid Jack Helmuth and Awesome Brian Sack

The B.S. of A. was a gem of a TV show produced by Jack Helmuth and written by Jack, me, Matt Fisher, Lauren Conlin Adams, Jon Bershad and Cesar Zamora. It was smart, funny and well before its time. We had a gender-neutral child and predicted President Trump in two sketches — way back in 2012.

There’s an archive of some of the best stuff here.

The show aired on a network that was hemorrhaging money. Nevertheless, I’ll always be grateful to the network for letting us do our own thing. We had 100% creative control — a total rarity when someone else is paying your bills.

They made zero demands on us, and even defended me when Evil Gin Troll Steve Bannon tried to get me fired because of a Sarah Palin joke I made.

The lady tasked with promoting the show didn’t. Nevertheless, we occasionally got noticed by folks outside of our regular viewership. One of the unpaid writers at the Huffington Post loved this sketch.

The B.S. of A. recruited incredible talent from the Upright Citizen’s Brigade: Anthony Atamanuik, Tim Martin, Ryan Karels, Ben Rameaka, Molly Lloyd, Lydia Hensler, Jeremy Bent were regulars.

Showrunner Jack Helmuth brought the show together. Supervising Producer Mike McDermott amde things happen, regardless of budget. Associate Producer Ben Korman was amazing, and our editor Robert Arrucci was second-to-none.

And of course, we had great writers: Jon Bershad, Matt Fisher, Jack Helmuth, Lauren Conlin Adams. Oh, and me.

It was a great time, and we still get shoutouts from folks who miss us. The occasional stranger will approach to ask about the show. They miss it, because no other show offered such an eclectic mix of smart humor that spanned the political spectrum.